Article 107. The stock exchange shall provide guarantee for organized and fair collective trading through bidding, promptly publicize stock market prices, and create and publicize stock quotations lists based on the situation of the transaction day. 第一百零七条证券交易所应当为组织公平的集中竞价交易提供保障,即时公布证券交易行情,并按交易日制作证券市场行情表,予以公布。
In general, the most traditional collectibles will be sought because they have preserved their value over the years, there is an organized auction market for them, and they are most easily sold in the event that cash is needed. 一般来说,最传统的收藏品受青睐,因为它们多年后仍保持其价值。它们拥有完善的拍卖市场,在需要现金的时候最容易被卖掉。
Because there is no organized market for buying and selling their shares, these corporations usually have relatively few stockholders. 因为没有有组织的市场买卖他们的股份,这些公司通常只有很少的几个股东。
An organized market in which various types of securities are traded by members of the exchange. 登记证券交易所的工作人员,其工作是维持公平和有序的市场。
The foreign exchange market is not an organized market in the same sense as a stock exchange or commodity exchange. 外汇交易市场不是股票交易所和商品交易所那样有组织的市场。
Participate on-the-spot recruitment organized by labor market. 参加人才市场组织的现场招聘会。
Through the cooperation between bank and securities, the bank's traditional financial tools can be organized with the new financial tools of capital and monetary market, which can reduce the business risks and cultivate more economic growing point, and make more revenue. 通过银证合作,使银行传统金融工具与资本市场及货币市场上的新兴金融工具相组合,以多元化经营来分散经营风险,培育出更多新的经济增长点,以获取更多的收益。
The Preliminary Discussion on the Relation between Organized Crime and Black Market 论组织卖淫罪有组织犯罪与黑市之关联初探
This paper is organized to analyse the causes of the price difference, discover the origination of the saparation in china's stock market with the dual-listed corporation on A, H stock markets as the example. 本文拟以A、H双重上市股票为例,深入分析价差产生的原因,揭示中国股票市场分割产生的根源。
As the most important organized actors, the responsibility among the Government, the Market and the Tertiary Sector plays critical part on the success or failure of the governance. 政府、市场和第三部门作为公共治理行动体系最重要的组织化行动者,它们之间的责任关系对于治理的成败具有至关重要的意义。
To make suitable specific requirements for users, production department must be organized small-lot multi-specs produce, according to market need, the continuous casting slab must be supplied enough specs, so continuous caster has to be added. 为了满足用户对带钢宽度尺寸的特殊要求,生产厂家须根据市场需求小批量、多规格地组织生产,连铸坯必须提供足够的规格,这样就不得不增加连铸设备。
As for the interior condition, the author made use of the value chain model to analyze the organized institution and the flow of the company and thought that the existing institution could not accustomed to the market position which developed so quickly; 在内部分析方面,本文利用了价值链模型,首先分析了公司的组织机构和运营流程,发现现有的组织机构不适应快速发展的市场形势;
Organized by China Telecom, analysis of the national telecom service market for 1996 are made and the prospects of service development for 1997 are envisaged. 中国邮电电信总局组织对1996年全国电信业务市场进行了总结与分析,并对1997年业务发展作出了预测。
Starting with the crime activities undertaken by Organized crime, it's not difficult for us to discover that Organized crime is aiming to get illegal interest, and it's engaging in some kind of Black Market directly and indirectly. 从有组织犯罪所从事的犯罪活动入手,我们不难发现有组织犯罪是以获取非法利益为目的的,其直接、间接地都在经营某类黑市。
According the State Department's requirement about China Mobile's "come into the market as whole, implement step by step", China Mobile Communications Group organized each subsidiary company to come into the market by different batch. 中国移动通信集团按照国务院关于中国移动整体上市,分步实施的要求,分批组织各子公司上市工作。
High-quality audit deficiency is caused by defects in the way that CPA Firms is organized and the universality of unfair competition in CPA audit market. 我国会计师事务所组织方式存在缺陷并且CPA审计市场不公平竞争情况普遍,造成对高质量审计的供给不足。
The peasants have low organized degree into the market and their statuses of bodies are very obscure. 农民进入市场的组织化程度较低,主体地位十分模糊。
As a result, single farmers are organized spontaneously to establish New-type Professional Farmer's Cooperatives, which are independent economic organizations adapting to the socialism market economy and playing important role in protecting farmers 'rights and interests. 这种新的农民合作组织是适应市场经济发展的独立的经济实体,集专业性生产、加工、销售于一体,与农民关系密切,是农民真正的利益共同体。
The scale of Black Market enlarges along with the deepening of the management by organized crime engaging, and this leads to prosperity of Black Market and flourishing of Organized crime directly. 随着有组织犯罪集团对黑市的经营不断深入,黑市的规模亦随之扩大,而这又直接导致了黑市的繁荣和有组织犯罪的茂盛。
As to the problems existing at present, many measures such as strict check and standard management should be taken to promote peasant broker to make the management scale large, the activity organized, ways modernized, function integrated, market pluralistic and service informationized. 针对目前存在的问题,通过严格把关、规范管理,可促进农民经纪人经营规模化、活动组织化、手段现代化、功能综合化、市场多元化和服务信息化。
Warehouse receipts exchange, it is also called electronic trading of bulk commodities, which is organized by warehouse receipts market. It refers to a special type of commodities trading that is developed from traditional spot trading by means of net-working and E-commerce. 现货仓单交易是由现货仓单市场组织的大宗商品电子交易,是将传统的现货交易借助电子化、网络化的手段,以电子商务为平台组织的一种特殊的商品交易形式。
Chinese peasants 'degree of movement to organize cooperatives and of organization should be heightened to improve their disadvantageous status in the market competition, enhance the competition ability of agricultural products and help them be organized and high-efficient market competition main body. 要改变农民在市场竞争中的弱势地位,增强农产品的市场竞争力,就必须提高农民的合作化、组织化程度,建立健全农民专业合作经济组织,使农民成为有组织、高效率的市场竞争主体。
In order to improve socialist market economic structure, to give a full play to the basic role of the market in the allocation of resources, and build up unified and organized Floating Exchange Rates which is based on market supply. 为了完善社会主义市场经济体制,充分发挥市场在资源配置中的基础作用,建立健全以市场供求为基础的、有管理的浮动汇率制。
The American universities sports league tournament sports event organized to manage the pattern, the market development mold intangible asset development mold obtains the various countries 'universities to approve in particular, and profits from by the very many national universities the utilization. 美国高校体育联赛的赛事组织管理模式,市场开发模式,尤其是无形资产的开发模式,得到了各国高校认可,并被很多国家的高校借鉴运用。
The study subject of industrial organization is the organized relationship or market relationship among enterprises in an industry. The model of industrial organization is a kind of specific model of relationship about the division of labor and cooperation organization among the enterprises in the industry. 产业组织研究的对象是同一产业内企业之间的组织关系或市场关系,而产业组织模式是产业内企业之间关于竞争与分工合作关系的具体模式。
The thesis is organized as follows: ( 1) In China warrant market, the strike price will be adjusted with the payment of dividend. This adjustment is different with other dividend adjustment. 本文的研究和创新工作主要包括以下内容:(1)在中国权证市场上,权证的行权价格会随着股票或指数的分红进行调整,这一调整方式与现有的方式均不相同。
At the same time, the formation of K bus group embodies that social individuals get organized to deal with market competition and the power of government administration. 同时,这一过程也体现了社会个体通过组织化的方式,来应对转型社会中的行政力量的影响和市场竞争。
The internal market-oriented enterprises to make full use of the laws governing the operation of the market economy, organized in accordance with the external market transactions in the form of the production and management of enterprise internal enterprise management mode. 内部市场化是企业充分利用市场经济的运行规律,按照外部市场交易方式的形式来组织企业内部的生产和经营的企业管理模式。
However, road transport has long been the main market operators, small scale enterprises, transportation loosely organized and its competitiveness and ability to resist risks weak, the market concentration of low market structural problems seriously affect the road transport industry sustainable and healthy development. 但是,长期以来道路运输市场经营主体多、企业规模小、运输组织松散、竞争能力和抗风险能力弱、市场集中度低等市场结构性问题严重影响了道路运输业可持续、健康发展。
If the farmers are organized, they can affect the decision-making of government and can obtain equivalent status in market when they negotiate with firms. 农民实现组织化就可以影响政府决策,在市场交易关系上就可以和企业有对等的谈判地位。